
Contact Kirei


Frequently Asked Questions!

What will i gain from buying the course?

My 13 years of knowledge is compiled into these courses. I’m explaining and showing you how to learn these things and apply it in your own games. There are a a LOT of players that were hardstuck for years in the same elo By getting my courses they’ve climbed out of the same elo and went way beyond and saved over 200 hours by just watching 4-5 hours of my content.
My old course which I made 2 years ago got people pretty good results, they climbed on average 1 full league in 6 weeks Going from like silver, gold to plat-emerald and some people even straight to diamond. These are the people that played decent amount of games and started applying my jungle fundamentals.

Fast climbers would even climb in 2 weeks like 2 leagues, going from silver to platinum Or gold to emerald. They were good mechanically but never understood fundamentally how to play the role

The only people that were stagnant were the people that played 1-2 games a day, or tried too apply too many fundamentals at once and didn’t focus on 1-2 concepts. This has happened throughout 2 years only around 8 times with over 1000+ people getting my previous courses.
I don’t guarantee a 100% climb however I’m 100% confident if you follow my guidelines and don’t focus on too many things at once I can guarantee you results and if you don’t see/feel any results within 3 months I give a 100% refund.

To be eligible for this refund all u need to do is send me ur op gg on discord and 3 months later if you feel like the course is not worth it u get a refund. That is how sure I’m that it is gonna be worth your money and time.

To be eligible for the refund need to do the following

  • Send me your op gg on discord
  • Focus on only 1-2 concepts MAXIMUM, Don’t try to do everything at once
  • Play more than 3 games a day.

My early game course is for every single elo.
My midgame course is only if you are above Silver +
However if you are in bronze and iron elo and you feel like you are losing every midgame then it’s still good to get my midgame course because then you’ll be much more knowledge and better than others in that elo.

Which course should i start with?
Early game course for sure. No matter what elo you are if you master the early game every single game you will win so many more games.